Monday, May 23, 2011

Old Man Pant's

      After the relative success of the "Fat Lip Boys" experiment, Glam and I were eager to write and record some new tunes. Armed only with Glam's Gibson acoustic, our voices, and the condenser mic on Glam's Macbook, we reworked the riff from "Pretty Vacant" by  the Sex Pistols into something Glen Matlock would hate. The title came from our observation of William New's classic pant and shoe look and Glam's refusal to wear anything but hemp trousers and the same yellowy wool sweater you can see in every video except this one.
      Glam seemed to take exception to Richard Hell's "Blank Generation" by stating that he gives not a damn about it as well as a lack of liquor and poverty in general. The drawings stem from Glam's last visit to Montreal a couple of months before I hightailed it out of the river city to my new winter nesting ground in Victoria B.C. We scrawled some likenesses of each other on high art foolscap one night and I happened to take some photos of them so we had visual fodder for song number two in our now burgeoning collection.
      Listening back to it now, I can hear that we used the same drumbeat in "tree song" but hell, there are only so many boom whap beats in the garageband library. Having both been born in 1962, we settled on 162 beats per minute as our new standard tempo although eventually even that became too slow for our amphetamine hearts.
    "Put away those old man pant's"

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