Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eye Sea Ewe

The latest entry in the collection has broken with punk rock template. In fact it wasnt even really a song, just three or four separate vocal takes that I edited together and had to use the auto-tuner on as they were not really what you would call "in -key". I kinda like the results although Glam has his reservations about this one. Anyway here she is!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bad Bad Bike

Song # 8 in the cycle (no pun intended) "Bad Bad Bike"

Should not really be in the collection as it was written before my trip west, but the bridge was added here and the song was recorded here so there ya are...

It's not something your'e gonna like!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sweet Hobby Whores

Song # 3 and we are starting to hit our stride. No obvious mistakes and a virtual horn. Might have hit the six track plateau. My favorite line "She keeps her place neat and tidy"

Old Man Pants

Again, I'm guessing here, but I believe this is the second song in the cycle

Fat Lip Boys

Actually the first song in the cycle I believe

Here They Are!

Counter Girl
Actually song # 6 in the cycle...not # 7. Meant to be followed By "Lean an Mean"

Garageland Garageband

This blog is dedicated to a little punk rock project that myself (Scott McCullough) and my collaborator Glam Parson have been working on since I moved out here to Victoria last November.Using the Iggy/Bowie "Lust for Life" model we began stealing old punk rock songs, changing the chords and adding new lyrics and melodies. The songs are generally written and recorded each day through the condenser mic on Glam's MacBook. Generally no more than a couple of takes are permitted and we have only a Gibson acoustic guitar for instrumentation. The original goal was ten songs by Christmas 2010 but we ended up with a few more than that by the end of January. Since we are only posting video's of the song's, it has taken until now to catch up with the moviemaking (shot entirely on an LG cellphone)
Anyway, here are the results.