Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tree Song

I'm losing count here, but I think this is song # 9 in the cycle. Much like "Eye Sea You" before it, this track almost didnt make the cut due to its general sketchiness. However, with some spastic editing and the return of the dreaded autotune, it was saved from the dustbin. Lucky for that, as this was the song where Glam blew out his eardrum singing the now famous (to us) line "teenage kicks by the railway line"
Also, if some of the other lines sound familiar its because they are. Portions of the same lyric can be heard in at least one of the preceding tunes due post it note mix-ups and a poor filing system. Much like the repeat of an entire hook like in Morningstar and Lean an" Mean, this lyrical repetition has now been adopted as one the somewhat suspect themes of "La Pistola del Corazon"
With only two songs left in the can after this, the end is almost in sight. However there are no video's for these two, and not enough time left before I must return east and part ways with my co-conspirator, Glam Parson. Also I cant figure out how to just post audio up here although I did manage to get the video box a little bigger (see above)
Tree, tree, tree, in the simple ground!